Product Reviews

Action Cameras Reviews and Accessories
Hawkeye FireFly 8S
Eken H9R
ThiEye T5 Edge
ThiEye T5E
Xiaomi Yi 2 4K Review
GitUp2 GoPro Killer Review
ODRVM 4K Action Camera Review
M20+ SJCam Review
Eken H8R Review
ELE Explorer PRO Version Review
Eken H9 Action Camera Review
SJ7000 Review
ELE Explorer Camera Review
Git1 Gitup Action Camera Review
Cansonic UDV-888 Dash + Action Camera Review
Krazilla Action Camera Review
SJ4000 Action Camera Review
Midland XTC 450 Action Camera
Whistler Rush Action Camera
BlackVue Sport SC500
IronX DXG Action Camera
Midland Action Camera XTC Review
QCamz iPhone Action Camera Case Review
BlurFix HD Action Camera Review

Current favorite action cameras: GitUp2, Xiaomi Yi 2 4K, SJCam M20+

Fishing Lures
Jet Tackle (Microlures, Cicada/Crazy Bug)
wLure Swimbaits (1, 2, 3)
Dyanmic Lures (HD Trout)
Bombshell Turtle
Mangler Swimbait
Megabass Cicada

Fishing Tackle and Attire
Eclipse and SolarTex SunSleeves
ZT1000 Fishing Reel

Hiking and Misc Gear
Telescopic Zoom Cell Phone Lens

Various Non-Fishing Gadgets
Xiaomi Yeelight Smart Lamp Review

Interested in seeing your product reviewed? Drop me a line through Facebook or Twitter!
Please note: Product reviews featured on this website may include items provided as review samples free of charge. Such items are provided as is, without guarantee of review or endorsement.


February 4, 2015 at 12:19 PM delete

Hey Izaak, it's been a while since I've left a message. Since my post on your micro lures. I just accidentally deleted my long post so now I will have to just cut to the chase. I looked through your videos of the action cam alternatives. I have my eye on the SJ4000 but can't see to get over the issues of focusing when going for bright to dark backgrounds. It just seems to not be able to get in focus correctly. In your opinion, do you have a favorite action cam out of the ones you've test, in terms of video quality and physical design. Thanks!
-Josh from the Midwest

February 5, 2015 at 7:19 AM delete

Hi Josh,

The SJ4000 and the Blackvue Sport are the two most impressive action cameras I have reviewed on the above list. Midland's XTC 450 is also high up there, but I prefer the GoPro style mounts of the former cameras.
However, the SJ5000+ is now available and has received good reviews online; with marked color and dark/light improvement over the original SJ4000. It's also reasonably affordable. While I haven't tried it out (yet), it may be just the one for you. Otherwise, I would go with an SJ4000-it has a few issues with quick transitions from dark to light and vice vesa, but this is fairly common, even with GoPro cameras. Hope that helps

March 15, 2015 at 9:15 AM delete

Thanks for letting me know Izaak!
I ended getting an SJ4000 wifi and an M10. Still waiting for them to be delivered though. The SJ5000+ seems to have a few issues that a firmware update hasn't fixed yet. There seems to be a new player in town as well, the Xiaomi Yi. Looks like they are getting positive reviews all around as well.

March 16, 2015 at 11:48 AM delete

The M10 is a new one, not familiar with it. Let me know how it goes! Will hopefully have a review of the Xiaomi Yi posted soon, looks like a nice, very affordable camera.

March 16, 2015 at 11:29 PM delete

I had a problem with shipping, but a friend had an m10 for me to compare. Internals looks to be the same as far as video quality goes, but it seems as though the M10 has a much better button layout and the power button responds much better than the SJ4000 wifi's. There is a dedicated menu button and the battery door is a far sturdier. As far as features goes, the M10 doesn't seem to have timelapse function, even after firmware update. The cubed m10 looks to be the better one to me. Can't wait to see your review of the Xiaomi Yi!
By the way does the power button on your SJ4000 seem not as responsive as you like?

April 10, 2015 at 6:59 AM delete

Yeah, the power button is "tight", requires a little more effort to push then I like (only when it is in the waterproof case)


Be nice.
