Inland Empire New Secret Ponds + Fishing Video

There's something about discovering a new spot on Google Maps, driving to it and actually finding it both fish-able and accessible that really turns up the adrenaline. I've scoured the Inland Empire for new spots to try within a reasonable driving distance and just recently came across a really amazing fishing location. Poles and fishing gear in the car, I hit the road, parked in a safe area, find a clear path with apparently public access, and headed in. After a 10 minute hike, I was on the water-and what a spot! Clear, clean water with very little trash on the bank (quite a difference from my usual urban creek fishing spots), and lots of great bank access. It's hard to describe in words just how exhilarating this is.

For those living outside of Southern California, let me throw in a little more explanation. When living in an area of high urban density, especially in the more populated regions of Riverside, San Bernardino, etc, finding even a public park to fish in can be difficult. The sheer number of people, concrete urban sprawl and amazingly restrictive land access (both public and private) is often overwhelming and leaves anglers with very few places to "discover" as a new, relatively untouched fishing spots. Thus, coming across somewhere new is a special treat, to say the least.

Back to this new spot. There's actually two ponds, with a lot of depth. Casting out with my favorite Bitsy Pond Minnow micro crankbait, I immediately had strikes. I also noticed several large bass warily stalking my lure. Perhaps their hesitance indicated that this pond received more fishing pressure than I first anticipated, perhaps not. Regardless, I worked my way around one pond, working the crankbait for a few small dink bass. Eventually, I switched to a Gary Yamamoto Micro Ika (really unique scaled-down version of the Ika soft plastic) and worked it in cover along the shore. This lure usually scores stubborn bass for me, but it was not be today. Frustrated, I tied on a zipper-style 3'' purple worm on a lightweight jighead and began working it both parallel and straight out from the shore. After two missed hits, I changed spots and immediately hooked into a healthy largemouth bass. He wasn't a beast by any measure, but I was fairly satisfied-good fight on light line, leaping acrobatics and a couple of strong drag-pulling runs, roughly 12-14''.

New spot fishing video

While it was still relatively "urban", this new spot felt like a nice change of pace from some of my usual litter-strewn concrete jungle creek fishing locales. I'll be back as the weather continues to warm up and fish begin to move more and more shallower in the pre-spawn. Tight lines!

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March 2, 2012 at 9:52 PM delete

So cool that you find a new, great place to fish!

March 29, 2012 at 1:20 PM delete

Dude...... I live in the I.E. Is there any chance at all that you could tell me where this spot is? Even if you are only able to give a general area.... Thanks,

April 20, 2012 at 12:19 AM delete

@hoss so did you find out where that secret place is???? Because I think I just found it but it's way to far for me to drive but looks like some great fishing. I'm way in the LBC

May 16, 2012 at 12:47 PM delete

Did not find this place. If you have any info please pass it on. Thanks,

January 27, 2014 at 9:56 PM delete

Just wondering if anyone might know where this is, I will keep it on the low. just want to get out of san diego and fish some off the path spots.
email me please.

March 23, 2014 at 3:53 PM delete

I live in riverside. Can you show me where it is? I couldn't find anywhere on Google maps.

August 31, 2014 at 8:19 AM delete

Would love to know where this is at would love to go today

April 10, 2016 at 7:58 PM delete

Mind sharing the location?

April 10, 2016 at 7:59 PM delete

Mind sharing the location?

April 12, 2016 at 7:05 PM delete

I live in San B, I have been searching for a secret little honey hole for a few years now. The last one I knew about dried up since the drought. Let me know where this place is!

April 12, 2016 at 7:06 PM delete

I live in San B, I have been searching for a secret little honey hole for a few years now. The last one I knew about dried up since the drought. Let me know where this place is!

April 14, 2016 at 4:02 PM delete

iv found 3 little pools along the Santa Ana river bed.. first 1 i found about 9 months ago and iv caught 4 bass... ranging from 1 lb and biggest was almost 4.. the other spots had more bass just nothing bigger then 1 1/2 lbs but there growing.. if you walk the river bed you will find lots of little pools with fish

April 15, 2016 at 10:37 AM delete

Haha, sounds like you have found a few little honey spots. Those ponds are seasonal but can be awesome! Nice work!

July 15, 2016 at 2:59 PM delete

hey i live i riverside and love bass fishing and wanna get away from those highly populated lakes can you email the general location of the new spot ?? thanks - zac

August 27, 2016 at 9:48 AM delete

Is this the hidden pond in lakemathews


Be nice.
